Our Community

Lifeline Connect
Wells & Wells Construction was involved in building a new group housing dormitory for Lifeline Connect. Lifeline Connect is a Christian based alcohol and drug treatment center which is 100% privately funded thru donations. They have a history of reuniting families that have been broken apart by addiction problems. The project started with getting a design that would work for Lifeline, yet be affordable. Wells & Wells was intimately involved in the project starting with fundraising, getting suppliers and subcontractors involved to constructing the project. This project has affected many people’s lives and not just those receiving treatment.
Toys for Tots
Through the giving team at Wells & Wells we have donated hand crafted custom built toy boxes, custom built picnic tables as well as many toys to be handed out to kids in need as Christmas gifts.

Camp Out For Kids
Camp Out for Kids is an organization that raises money to send children to summer camp that they wouldn’t be able to afford otherwise. Wells & Wells is proud to contribute to this great program.
Wells & Wells is proud to support these programs
and organizations within our community.